We already know that children can't hear the word scrotum, but did you know teenagers can't utter the word vagina?
That's right, three otherwise well-behaved high school students were suspended for reciting a few lines from The Vagina Monologues at a school event. For shame!
The school administration argues that it was an event open to the public, and there could've been children there. Oh my god, children might hear the word vagina! You know I've known the word vagina for a really long time, way back before I really knew what it entailed. Since I didn't even learn where it was until age 20, there were 14 or so years that I knew the word but couldn't find it on a...map.
And yet somehow, with this shameful word in my vocabulary, I managed avoid turning into a serial killer, rapist or pedophile.
I'm just shocked that this kind of puritanism still exists in our society. I mean, you can make a logical argument for why children shouldn't be exposed to sexuality. I'd say we usually go overboard, but the argument is there. But maintaining that the very name of their body parts shant be uttered is downright ridiculous.
Maybe the principal is sexually frustrated or something. Buy him a blow up doll and let's move on with our lives.
PS While writing this post I found the best list of vagina euphemisms ever!
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As someone in the field of education, I actually think that it IS appropriate for children to know AND use the correct terminology for body parts. And for a high-school venue, even moreso. They were doing excerpts and not the whole play. I'm totally with ya on this one.
Sometimes I worry about the fate of our species, I really do.
Maybe once they have that HIV vaccine.
Also, don't forget about in vitro fertilization!
You mean there's only one?
That explains a lot.