So after three months of dragging my ass into Etobicoke every day I'm finally getting some benefits at work. I dropped off my form at the one-woman HR department today and she noticed I didn't fill out the beneficiary for my life insurance. So I grabbed the form and wrote down a name.
My ex's name.
I realized a while ago that's it's weird to best friends with somebody you dated for 36 months, lived with for 22 months, and had cats with for over a year. I asked around a bit, and apparently putting your ex on your life insurance is pretty whack.
Now let's not blow this too far out of proportion. I'm 24 and, despite this stupid nasal infection and my heavy partying, I'm in good health. Plus it's just my work insurance which won't pay out much cash anyways.
Regardless, it does send a strong message. But hey, when I think of who knows me well, who I trust, and who could arrange for a gorgeous funeral he's at the top of all three.
The funny thing is, he's still my first and only ex. Maybe not being jaded from other relationships helped me leave on good terms. Maybe leaving before things got bitter was a good idea.
Or maybe, unlike most relationships, we were both good people, and neither of us were assholes or whack jobs.
Anyways, I've given him the relevant instructions: If I bump off tomorrow, throw my body in Lake Ontario and spend the money on a kick-ass party. I'll see you there!
Image courtesy of germanyengland.
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The more positive exes went through my mind too, but I picked my little sister in the end and spent the next half hour feeling bad that she wasn't my first reaction although clearly the right one.
Danifesto, I don't think it's dumb at all. I think it demonstrates an ability to rise above any lingering bitterness and see the person beneath it, whom you obviously liked at some point.